When people think of the college experience, they automatically think of all the fun they will have. If you want success in college, you can’t let that be your whole experience. You need to do some hard work before you start thinking about having any fun. This article can help you get your priorities in order so that you can have a well rounded college experience.
Don’t worry about choosing your major right away. Most schools give you until your junior year to select a major, so you should take time to explore different options and figure out what you most enjoy and might want to make a career out of before you select your major.
If you cannot pay for college, you should consider taking out a student loan. College is an investment in your future. You may need to incur a little debt in order to find future success.
Always look for used textbooks. The cost of textbooks can be outrageous. Tuition is already a very large expense, you should save money somewhere! There are many great sources for acquiring used books on the Internet, in bookstores and through other students on campus. Used books are a great way to save money.
Get all distractions and chores out of the way before you sit down to study. That way, you won’t be tempted to be distracted by things that you could or should be doing instead. Many people find that unfinished chores lure them away from studying and give them an excuse to procrastinate. So get those things out of the way first so you can give your studying undivided attention.
When you go to college you often times will stay out late with friends to study or go to a party. Be safe, never walk home alone, carry your phone with you at all times, know where the safe zones are on campus, and consider carrying a small spray canister of pepper spray with you.
In your first year of college, one of the things that you will want to avoid is a relationship. A relationship can be very difficult when your main goal is to get acquainted with an area and to meet new people. Save this for the later years that you are in college.
Never rest on your laurels from high school. College represents a totally different animal, and all of your prior achievements mean little once you arrive. Remember that college is an entirely different experience than high school. Be prepared to try new things and experiences.
Think about your life after college. While it is tempting to get to college and think of it as your own little world, one day you will have to leave. Make sure that every class and every club reflects what you want to put on a job application. That way, you have an easier time getting a job when you are done.
Don’t take more than one writing course per term. Even though you may only have to complete 3 essays for the course, there is often a lot of required reading. You want to have enough time to complete the readings for every class, which will be difficult with more than 1 writing course.
Know your limits – don’t overwhelm yourself with too many courses. It may seem like a great idea to take as many courses that you can, but if you take too many, you may fail a few in the process. This totally defeats the time saving you were trying to accomplish!
After every single class that you attend, reread the notes that you took and think about each of the items that you wrote down. Typically, when you are note taking, you will not be thinking about what you are writing. This will give you a chance to soak up the information you put on paper.
When you are assigned a paper to write, be sure to allow yourself plenty of time. You do not want to have to rush through it. Turning it in on time is just as important as the content in it. Start planning as soon as you are given the assignment.
If you feel your schedule can handle it, take an additional class during each semester. Many students can easily handle the average class load, which means that adding in one more class will be a minor burden at best. This can allow you to shorten your time in college enough to graduate a little earlier.
Returning or non-traditional students can qualify for scholarships and grants. If you are an older student, talk to your advisor. Colleges and universities have many scholarship opportunities that can often be applied for using a single application. You may have to wait for your 2nd year to apply, but it is worth checking out.
Use statistics to narrow down your college choices, but not to make the final decision. The right college for you is a good match to you personally, not a prize that you win. Never select a school because a lot of your friends are going there, nor because it holds a number-one position on some published list. Only a visit to the campus can really tell you if it is right.
Make sure you study what you are having the most difficult time with first. If you save it for last, you will be more fatigued and less likely to retain the information. It will make studying much more difficult for you. Save the subjects that come easiest to you for last.
College isn’t just about the parties despite what is portrayed in the movies. You must learn to set boundaries in your life to make room for ample study time in addition to play time. Use the advice above to work out a routine that will help you succeed in your academic goals.